I'm soooooooooo hung-over
i'll come back with a serious post later but all i can say right now is AAAHHH MY FUCKING HEAD
Innocent Criminal: A person punished on the basis of race, religion, color, political beliefs etc, instead of committing a real crime & oh yeah, I am a big Ben Harper fan! The web is cluttered with Mid-Eastern political blogs, and since I lack the background, will and passion to run this up to par. I am attempting to form a light version of the real deal, a trivial endeavor at subjects varying in triviality. Nevertheless, if this will reflect me in real life then the content will be 99% bullshit
You must have drank some serious shit to still be hungover until now...
where are you?
and im planning to drink some more soon. naah its just that there hasn't been anything interesting to talk about. was thinking of posting a recipe for butter chicken though
yaho ya itti.
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